American Bull Dogue De Bordeaux Dog Breed: Characteristics, Information & Facts

Brief History of American Bull Dogue De Bordeaux

Size (inches)23-27
Actual Weight (pounds)100-150
Life Span8 – 12 years
ColorsMahogany, fawn, red
Type of CoatShort, smooth
Energy Levels⭐⭐
Apartment LivingNot recommended

The American Bull Dogue De Bordeaux is a beautiful breed that has captured the hearts of many dog lovers. This is dog breed is a mix between the funny American Bulldog and the hardworking Dogue De Bordeaux.

The breed was first introduced to the United States in the late 1990s and quickly gained popularity among dog enthusiasts. Although the AKC (American Kennel Club) does not recognize them, they are recognized by other international canine organizations such as the FCI (Fédération Cynologique Internationale).

Overview of the Breed’s Physical Appearance and Temperament

American Bull Dogue De Bordeauxs are large, muscular dogs that have an intimidating presence due to their size and facial features. They typically stand between 23 and 27 inches tall at the shoulder and weigh between 100 and 140 pounds. Their coat colors range from shades of fawn to mahogany, with some having white markings on their chest or feet.

They have a short, smooth coat that requires minimal grooming. In terms of temperament, American Bull Dogue De Bordeauxs are known for being loyal, affectionate, and protective towards their family members.

They can be quite territorial and may exhibit aggressive behavior towards strangers or other animals if not properly socialized. However, with proper training and socialization from an early age, this breed can make a wonderful addition to any family.

Physical Characteristics

Size and Weight Range

The American Bull Dogue De Bordeaux is a large breed of dog, typically weighing between 100-150 pounds and standing 23-27 inches tall at the shoulder. Males are usually larger than females, with a weight difference of up to 30 pounds. When fully grown, this breed is often described as muscular and stocky, with a broad chest and powerful legs.

Coat Color and Texture

The coat of the American Bull Dogue De Bordeaux can vary in color from shades of red, brown or fawn. Their coat texture is typically short and thick, which provides insulation against cold weather.

This breed’s coat is also smooth to the touch, making it easy to groom.

Facial Features (Wrinkles, Jowls,Etc.)

One notable feature of the American Bull Dogue De Bordeaux’s face is its wrinkles.

This breed may have wrinkles on their forehead or around their mouth, giving them an appearance that seems serious or wise. They also have jowls that can appear droopy or saggy giving them a unique look compared to other breeds.

With their broad face and muscular build, this breed has an unmistakable presence about them. The physical characteristics of the American Bull Dogue De Bordeaux make it a highly distinctive breed with its iconic wrinkles and muscular build along with its protective nature towards family members making it one of the most popular breeds around.

Temperament and Personality Traits

Responds Well to Training⭐⭐⭐
Good with Children⭐⭐⭐
Good for Protection⭐⭐⭐⭐
Good with Other Animals⭐⭐

Loyalty and protectiveness towards family members

American Bull Dogue De Bordeaux dogs are known for their loyalty and devotion to their owners and families. They will form a deep bond with their human companions and often become fiercely protective of them.

These dogs have a strong desire to please their owners, making them excellent guard dogs or watchdogs. Despite their protectiveness, American Bull Dogue De Bordeaux dogs can be very affectionate with their families.

They love to cuddle or play with children, making them great family pets. However, it is important to note that this breed may not get along well with other pets in the household due to its aggressive nature.

Aggressiveness towards strangers or other animals

American Bull Dogue De Bordeaux dogs can be aggressive towards strangers or other animals if not properly socialized from an early age. It is important for owners to expose their puppies to different people, places, and animals so they can learn appropriate behavior around others.

This breed has a natural instinct to protect its territory and family members, which can sometimes lead to aggressive behavior towards unfamiliar people or animals. It is recommended that American Bull Dogue De Bordeaux dogs receive proper training and socialization in order to prevent any potential issues with aggression.

Trainability and obedience

Exercise Needs⭐⭐⭐
How Much Exercise a Day is NeededAt least 1 hour

American Bull Dogue De Bordeaux dogs are intelligent animals that respond well to positive reinforcement training methods. They have a strong desire to please their owners, making them quick learners when properly trained.

However, this breed can be stubborn at times due to its independent nature. It is recommended that owners begin training their American Bull Dogue De Bordeaux puppies at an early age to establish good behavior habits from the start.

Consistency in training methods is key in ensuring obedience from this breed of dog. With proper training and socialization, American Bull Dogue De Bordeaux dogs can be well-behaved and obedient pets.

Health Issues

Types of Health IssuesHip dysplasia, bloat, heart disease, skin infections, allergies
Health Issues⭐⭐⭐

Common Health Problems in the Breed

American Bull Dogue De Bordeaux dogs, like many breeds, have health issues that are known to plague them. One of the most common problems is hip dysplasia.

This condition occurs when there is an abnormal development of the hip joint that results in arthritis and pain. It can be caused by a number of factors, including genetics and obesity.

Other common health issues for this breed include heart disease, bloat, and cancer. Heart disease is also a concern for American Bull Dogue De Bordeaux owners.

The breed is prone to dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), which is a condition where the heart becomes enlarged and weaker over time. This can lead to heart failure or arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat).

Bloat, or gastric torsion, is another issue that this breed faces. This occurs when the stomach twists on itself and can cause severe pain or even death if not treated immediately.

Tips for Maintaining Good Health

Maintaining your American Bull Dogue De Bordeaux’s health should be a top priority as an owner. There are several things you can do to keep them healthy and prevent common health problems from occurring.

Firstly, it’s crucial to maintain a healthy weight for your dog by feeding them a balanced diet with proper portions and avoiding table scraps or high-fat treats that could lead to obesity. Regular exercise is also important for keeping your dog in good shape.

Secondly, regular vet visits are essential for early detection of any potential health issues before they become severe problems. Be sure to keep up with all recommended vaccinations and preventative care such as flea/tick treatment.

Pay attention to any signs of illness or distress in your dog such as lethargy or decreased appetite and seek veterinary attention promptly if needed.

Taking proactive steps towards maintaining their health and addressing any issues early on can ensure a happy and healthy life for your beloved American Bull Dogue De Bordeaux.

Exercise Needs

The recommended amount of exercise per day

If you’re considering adopting an American Bull Dogue De Bordeaux, it’s important to know that they need a good amount of exercise each day.

A lack of physical activity can lead to destructive behavior and health problems in dogs, so it’s crucial to ensure that your pet gets enough exercise. As a general rule of thumb, you should aim to provide your American Bull Dogue De Bordeaux with at least one hour of exercise per day.

This can be achieved through walks, runs, or any other form of physical activity. Additionally, it’s important to note that this breed is prone to obesity, so regular exercise is necessary for maintaining a healthy weight.

Exercise activities that are suitable for American Bull Dogue De Bordeaux

American Bull Dogue De Bordeauxs are muscular and athletic dogs, which means they enjoy high-intensity workouts. However, their short snouts make them susceptible to overheating during intense physical activities like running or playing fetch for prolonged periods. Therefore it’s best to choose exercises that won’t put too much strain on their respiratory system.

Walking and hiking are excellent forms of low-impact exercises for this breed as they allow them to explore the great outdoors while getting the necessary workout.

Swimming is another fantastic form of exercise because it provides low-impact cardio while not putting any strain on their respiratory system.

Additionally,Ideally,you can consider enrolling your American Bull Dogue De Bordeaux in obedience training classes or agility courses as these activities will not only provide them with ample physical activity but also mental stimulation which will help burn off excess energy and keep them engaged mentally and physically.

Ultimately, the key here is consistency.Try sticking to a routine and incorporating these activities into your dog’s daily life ,and you’ll have a happy healthy pooch who loves spending time outdoors with its owner.

Food & Nutrition

Dietary requirements for the breed

American Bull Dogue De Bordeaux is a large dog breed that requires a diet rich in protein and calories to support their high energy levels and muscular physique. They need to consume at least 20-30% protein in their daily diet, which can be provided through animal-based sources such as chicken, beef, turkey, or fish.

It’s essential to avoid low-quality fillers such as corn and wheat since they do not provide the necessary nutrients required by this breed. Furthermore, American Bull Dogue De Bordeaux should also have a balanced diet that includes carbohydrates to fuel their high energy levels.

Vegetables like carrots, broccoli and sweet potatoes can provide important vitamins and antioxidants that are essential for overall health. Additionally, Omega-3 fatty acids are vital for maintaining healthy skin and coat as well as reducing inflammation in the body.

Tips for feeding your American Bull Dogue De Bordeaux

It’s important to feed American Bull Dogue De Bordeaux twice a day rather than once a day due to the risk of bloating which can occur when large quantities of food are consumed at once.

As with any dog breed, it’s also important not to overfeed them as this can lead to obesity, increasing the risk of joint problems later in life.

When choosing commercial dog food for your American Bull Dogue De Bordeaux, you should select high-quality kibble or canned food brands that contain meat proteins from identifiable animal sources (chicken meal or fish meal).

Avoid foods with artificial preservatives or fillers such as corn syrup or soy.

Always make sure your dog has access to fresh water throughout the day. The amount of water required varies based on their exercise level and climate but generally speaking; an adult American Bull Dogue De Bordeaux needs between 1-2 liters (or more) per day.

Grooming Needs

Amount of Grooming Required⭐⭐

How often to groom your dog

Grooming your American Bull Dogue De Bordeaux is essential for their overall health and well-being. The breed has a short, smooth coat that requires minimal maintenance.

You should brush your dog’s coat at least once a week to remove any loose fur or debris, and also to distribute the natural oils throughout their coat.

Bathing should only be done as needed since over-bathing can strip the natural oils from their skin. American Bull Dogue De Bordeaux dogs are prone to ear infections due to their floppy ears that can trap moisture and dirt.

It would be best if you cleaned their ears weekly using a damp cloth or cotton ball. Nail trimming is another important grooming aspect that pet owners should not neglect.

Dogs’ nails tend to grow quite fast, especially when they are not getting enough exercise outdoors on hard surfaces such as concrete or pavement. You should trim your dog’s nails every two weeks unless they wear down naturally through regular exercise on hard surfaces.

Tips on grooming techniques

When brushing your American Bull Dogue De Bordeaux’s coat, use a soft-bristled brush and apply gentle pressure as you move it across their body in long strokes from head to tail.

While brushing, check for any signs of skin irritation or parasites such as fleas or ticks.

You should use a mild shampoo formulated explicitly for dogs when bathing them since human shampoos can be too harsh for dogs’ sensitive skin.

Always rinse thoroughly after shampooing, ensuring no residue remains behind on their fur or skin. To prevent ear infections, use an ear cleaning solution recommended by your veterinarian and gently clean the inside of each ear with cotton balls.

Avoid using cotton swabs or poking into the ear canal as this can cause injury or irritation. Grooming is essential to caring for your American Bull Dogue De Bordeaux.

When done correctly, it will make your dog look and smell good and promote their overall health and well-being.

Regular grooming sessions can also help create a strong bond between you and your furry friend.


The American Bull Dogue De Bordeaux is a remarkable breed with an impressive history and striking physical features. They are loyal, protective, and loving towards their families but can be aggressive towards strangers or other animals.

Proper training, socialization, and regular exercise are necessary to ensure your pet remains healthy and happy. As a large breed, they do require specific dietary requirements to maintain good health.

Feeding them high-quality dog food according to their age, weight, and activity level is important. Grooming is also essential as they have a short coat that sheds moderately throughout the year.

Regular brushing once a week is enough to keep the coat shiny and healthy.

Overall, the American Bull Dogue De Bordeaux makes an excellent companion for those willing to take the time and effort to care for them properly.

They are affectionate dogs that love spending time with their owners but require firm training due to their protective nature.

They can live long lives of up to ten years or more with proper care and attention.


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